Posted in: Business Success, Productivity, Sales Success
With the end of a month, quarter, year, and decade all in one and fast approaching, simply thinking ahead to 2020 goal setting is daunting. But just because a calendar has a hard stop doesn’t mean that your planning and workflow do. Setting aside a little time now (even if you don’t think you can spare it) can position you for success moving forward. Months change, goals reset, but pipelines and project plans need to be in continuous motion.
If you are in a sales or marketing role, it’s likely that the majority of your goals (read as: quotas) are either set for you or you are responsible for establishing team metrics of some sort. Here are some tips for planning ahead and setting yourself up for success in 2020.
1. Break it down.
Don’t take your goals, quotas, or projects at face value. Dig deeper and analyze exactly what each metric is asking of you. Breaking it down into its moving parts can give clarity on what you are being asked to do in order to succeed. Doing this might make you reconsider your approach.
2. Define your obstacles.
You know what you need to do, but what might get in your way? When you break down your goals, the requirements and potential issues are easier to see. Define your obstacles from the start to eliminate as many barriers to success as you can.
3. Set some benchmarks.
The bigger the task or quota, the more helpful mini milestones can be. Set benchmarks for yourself based on your final objectives. When you have smaller goals to aim for, you are more likely to stay on track and feel confident about your work.
4. Get input.
Learning from others who have the same goals can help you set your strategy. Seeing how other people look at a project can give you a new perspective on how to approach your own.
5. Collaborate.
Goals may be individual, but a team effort can often be a win across the board. Collaborate with others with similar goals to consolidate outreach, eliminate redundant steps, or generate more volume. Find ways to work with other teams, such as marketing and sales, to leverage different skills sets and assets for mutual benefit.